Thursday, December 20

●○● Mandatory Immunizations in MD

Mrs Waelterman sent a wonderful letter that I'd like to share below:

Enough of Big Brother

Sitting in my living room watching the news is usually a relaxing thing for me. I catch up with what's going on in the world, have a cup of coffee and relax for a few minutes before I start a hectic day. Today, however, has proven to be kind of irritating. I'm watching as thousands of parents in Prince George's County, MD are being forced to comply with a new school district policy that requires immunization. Luckily they do offer the option of signing a waiver to NOT immunize, but are being forced to either vaccinate or sign a waiver. They have no choice, they must comply or face fines of up to $50 a day and 10 days in jail. If this isn't a scene of Orwellian proportion, I don't know what is.

The Government seems to w! ant to butt into everything in our every day lives. What to eat, what medicines to take, what's safe, what's not safe, what we can own, what we can do. Every day I hear of something else that the Government wants to regulate, ad nauseum, but this one takes the cake.

They tell us when to immunize, they tell us its safe, then its not safe, then, wait, we're not sure if it's safe. We're investigating. We're researching. Hrm. I don't know about you, but I don't like being told what to do, when to do it, how to do it, why to do it, etc. etc., particularly by people who don't seem to have a bloody idea of what they're doing.

I certainly hope that the residents of Prince George's County, MD who have children with autism opt to go to jail. I know I would. It's not that I believe mercury causes autism. It's that I'm not sure, I suspect that maybe it! does, and I'm not willing to take that chance. I don't trust wh at they say, and when it comes to my children, I'd rather err on the side of caution. And who, exactly, is the Government, to tell us that we have to?

Unless Circuit Court Judge Philip Nichols (who, incidentally, is lecturing parents on the necessity of vaccinations) spent time in the labor room giving birth to your child, he has no say in whether you choose to immunize. Who is HE, or anyone else for that matter, to tell you how to raise your child?

I received a letter from my our school district just the other day telling me that I have to prove that my sons have been to the dentist, by state law. I politely wrote on the form that it's none of their business. It's not that they haven't been to the dentist. They have. Several times. It's the audacity of the State to require me to prove that I've been a good little parent that gets my goat. Who are YOU to ask? Who are YOU to tell me what t! o do with my child?

And something as important as immunization? I hope those of you in Prince George's County, MD stand up for your rights. I hope you tell them to buzz off and stop impeding our rights to make decisions as parents. I wish I were there to help you tell Big Brother to go find something else to do. I have a few suggestions:

#1 -- Make sure the districts are following Federal IDEA laws.
#2 -- Find out what's causing autism.
#3 -- Stop spending $500 for hammers.

I could go on, but my political beliefs are not of interest to you, I'm sure. Big Brother needs to go find someone else to pick on, because I think they bit off more than they can chew with parents of children with autism. We're not very nice when we're angry.

Cindy Waeltermann
Director, AutismLink

LOL, You GO Cindy!!! AMEN!!!

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