I am a mother of three beautiful children. One of which has Autism/ OCD/ ADHD/ SID and a host of food allergies. We are committed to our family and to raising Autism Awareness for all to know the truth about Autism and to try a build a more tolerable and cleaner future for our children.
The Future of Autism thus far ..
Autism growth rate progression
Here is a simple chart to help understand the Autism growth rate progression (Past rate approximately doubles every 2 years) 1994 1 in 10,000 1996 1 in 5,000 1998 1 in 2,500 2000 1 in 1,250 2002 1 in 625 2004 1 in 312 2006 1 in 166 2007 1 in 150
Here is how the future may look based on the past progression rates unless something is done today-
2009 1 in 75 2011 1 in 38 2013 1 in 19 2015 1 in 9